Divide Chamber of Commerce

Serving Divide, CO and the surrounding Teller county area

About / Contact Us

Our Mission:

The mission of the Divide Chamber of Commerce is to enhance life in area communities by promoting local businesses and community interests of all its members, and to offer opportunities to make a difference in business and community standards, through encouragement of participation and cooperation by all members.  Donations are accepted


Monthly Meetings:

Divide Chamber of Commerce meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00 pm. For location and information about our next meeting, please contact the chamber.


Contact Information:

Divide Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 101
Divide, CO 80814

email us at:  chamber@dividechamber.org

for a direct phone call contact Divide Chamber President Peter Hintze at 719-205-0977 and leave a message if you don’t get me.

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